They announced, very late, that they’ll have a public hearing on private school vouchers on Tuesday morning at 9AM. If you can, please show up at the Capitol to show that you are not okay with our tax dollars funding private education.
If you can’t come in-person, you can help by emailing and/or calling the senators on the committee.
Here is the script that the ACPTA gave us to use, of course you can use your own:
"I oppose you diverting public funds to private schools, no matter what you
call it. I am a Texas voter, and I want you to fully fund existing public
school mandates - especially special education and security services. Move
to enrollment-based funding and allow Texas voters, not billionaires, to
decide on this issue like we did in 1987 when we got to vote whether or not
we would elect State Board of Education members. Thank you."
«Me opongo a que desvíen fondos públicos a escuelas privadas, lo llamen
como lo llamen. Soy un votante de Texas y quiero que financien totalmente
los mandatos existentes de las escuelas públicas, especialmente la
educación especial y los servicios de seguridad. Pasen a una financiación
basada en la matriculación y permitan que sean los votantes de Texas, y no
los multimillonarios, quienes decidan sobre esta cuestión, como hicimos en
1987 cuando pudimos votar si elegíamos o no a los miembros del Consejo
Estatal de Educación. Gracias».
Senate Contact Info
Senate Education Committee Emails:,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you!
Nory Boulton
President, Baldwin PTA
(512) 294-3902