With the Thanksgiving holiday coming up, it is important to remember to eat healthy and move your bodies for at least 60 minutes per day! Hopefully, the weather will remain cool and make it easier for your family to get outside for family activities like nature walks, bike riding, walks, or favorite Thanksgiving traditions of football pick-up games, a Turkey Trot, or any fun outdoor activity to get your family moving together. The fall season also makes us think of warm colors such as orange, red, yellow, and purple. The produce during this season can bring many of these colors to your favorite Thanksgiving meals. There is a vast array of produce that is freshest this season and brings a variety of flavors, spices, colors, textures, and nutrients essential to our diets. Try adding squash, pumpkins, brussel sprouts, cranberries, pomegranates, or figs to your Thanksgiving menus this year!