One of the primary roles of PTA is to ADVOCATE for our kids. Texas PTA works with local PTAs to help us communicate with our legislators. You can get involved by learning about the issues impacting our students and schools and contacting your legislators. With the budget shortfalls our schools are facing, this is more important than ever!
The first step for advocating, is understanding what the problem is.
ACPTA School Funding Presentation
Equity Center School Finance Presenation
Have questions or need more information?
- Find Out Who Represents You
- Watch Leglislative Hearings and find out what's going on at the Capitol.
- Good Tips on How to Communicate with Your Representatives
- Texas PTA Policy Priorities and Upcoming Events
- AISD's Policy Priorities
- Austin Council PTA Advocacy Facebook Page
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Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 11
- Tuesday, April 29