Hello Baldwin Elementary Room Parents!
Thank you for volunteering to be room parent for your child's class. Our room parents are an invaluable resource for our school, so we have created this page to help you throughout the school year. Please remember this is not a job you have to do alone. If you have any questions, please contact our Room Parent Coordinator.
What is a Room Parent?
Room Parents are the official liaison between teachers and class families. Some classes may have Co-Room Parents or the Room Parent might organize a committee to support the teacher and classroom throughout the school year. The main thing to remember is that Room Parents do not have to do EVERYTHING. Room Parents are encouraged to invite their fellow class parents to share in organizing and planning. REMEMBER: We want to build a strong community and the more you can involve your classroom parents, the more parents feel connected, empowered and an integral part of their child's education.
Roles and Expectations
Room Parents are our primary means of sharing information with our school community.
The school administration, PTA Board members and committee chairs will ask the Room Parent/Volunteer Coordinator to disseminate information to the school via the Room Parents. It is important you pass along the information to your class families AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Expectations vary by teachers and by grade level. Some teachers may not want a lot of help; others might need more.
Meet with your teacher AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to find out what they need from you and what can be delegated to fellow class parents.
Room Parent Resources
- Room Parent Orientation Presentation
- Outline for Your Initial Meeting with Your Teacher
- Sample Introduction Letter to Class Parents
- Party food guidelines for AISD
- Teacher Wish Lists & Favorites (Click on the grade level and the PDF of their favorites is linked)
- Important Dates/Events
- Background Check Request
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Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 11
- Tuesday, April 29