Now more than ever, our school will be looking to the Baldwin PTA to help supplement their resources, so we must raise money to foster and support worthwhile educational enrichment opportunities.
In order to fund these enrichment programs and activities, the PTA raises funds through a variety of programs:
- No Hassle Fundraise - Love Your School
- Business Boosters
- Corporate Matching Gifts
- Baldwin Bash, Ranch Austin February 28, 2024
- Spirit/Restaurant Nights
- Paver Program
- School Supplies
We need our entire community to get involved and participate in the success of our school and students. You can volunteer your time, money, contacts or services.
Interested in getting involved? We have opportunities to fit everyone – year-round, one-time, big, and small. Every dollar donated, or minute volunteered helps our Baldwin Bobcats!
If you are ready to join us in growing our school resources please contact our Vice President of Fundraising -
Thanks for all you do to make our school great!
Your logo could be here! Contact our Fundraising VP to be a sponsor today!
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 25
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 11
- Tuesday, April 29